Kim Kardashian explained why she had to photoshop 6-year-old daughter


At the postcard, happy parents and four children in cozy homemade appears are sitting on the stairs and posing by the photographer. Backstead shooting Kim shared at the show Ellen Dezhenes. According to Kardashyan, it was quite difficult to make an ideal photo, because small children love to shook. So happened to the daughter of North, who at the last moment refused to participate in the photo shoot.

That's the day when she did not like her hairstyle. Then I told her that she would not be with us on a Christmas card. She did not mind

- told Kim.

Kim Kardashian explained why she had to photoshop 6-year-old daughter 27320_1

But the next day, the mood of North has changed, and the girl was ready to pose in front of the camera lens. Circumstances were in favor of Kardashian, because the photographer was still in the city.

I was without makeup, looked completely different, we starred together. Then her body was filtered to us,

- Shared Kim.

Cardhasshyan is not the first year to publish Christmas cards. The family is always assembled by the full composition and the raise of fans of atmospheric frames. But times have changed, so this year Kim took a photo in a small circle of his loved ones.

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