The stars responded to the impeachment Donald Trump: "This is a Christmas miracle"


Trump accused two articles: in the abuse of the official position and in the prevenue of the work of the Congress. Everything began after Trump came together with the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and during a conversation with him allegedly demanded to investigate against the son of Joe Bayden, US presidential candidate 2020 from the Democrats Party.

The stars responded to the impeachment Donald Trump:

Donald Trump became the third president in the history of the United States who was subjected to impeachment, along with Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Whether the Trump will be removed from office, will be known in January when the court will be held in the Senate.

The stars responded to the impeachment Donald Trump:

The exciting news caused avalanche comments on the net. Many celebrities spoke about the impeachment Trump.

Blogger James Charles:

This is a christmas miracle!

Zap Cornfeld:

There is still a lot of things to do, but you are sorry, I already want to run naked down the street and scream from joy.

Jordin Woods:

It's time to live.

Alice Milano:

The fact that he left after himself, the vote will not erase. He encouraged xenophobia and intolerance. Several generations should be changed so that it passed. This is a terrible day in our story. But also the great protection of democracy.

Bernie Sanders, independent left-wing politician:

The Chamber of Representatives rightly fulfilled its constitutional duty by voting the impeachment of Donald Trump, the most corrupt president in our history. Nobody, including the president, should not be higher than the law.

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