Results 2019 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso


Jason Momoa

Jason Momoa and his impressive torso, without which in the past few years there is no summarization of PopcornNews, we love absolutely any - even here:

Публикация от Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies)

Torso Jason Momoa love GQ Australia (called the actor "man of the year" and losing her nose with numerous chemsworths) and Amber Herd, waving photos of the Aquamena torsa as a banner in the fight against double Instagram nudity standards.

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Moma himself uses his torso instead of a poster for social slogans - as, for example, during a large-scale protest action against the construction of the observatory in the Hawaiian Islands.

Публикация от Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies)

It is not surprising that when People called the sexiest man of 2019 by John Ledgend, many remembered exactly about Momo:

I like John Ledgend, however, but, PEOPLE, you know that Jason Momoa is still alive, why is it still not recognized as the sexiest?

Dosto Li Torso Jason is the title of the best torso of the year - to solve readers, but here is the most versatile and multifunctional forrs of Momoa can be called for sure.

Henry Cavill during the workouts "Witcher"

The walled "Witcher" starting on Netflix in December is in full swing, and in its very center - Henry Cavill and his notable torso (as well as other no less remarkable parts of the body). The actor did not stress so long ago that she tried to act even in the most complex combat scenes "Witcher" without doubles (and after work experience with a buckled Tom Cruise in the "mission of impossible: consequences" Cavill is quite capable of it).

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For such "the most difficult" cases of Henry, even before the start of the shooting, it turned up well, and already in the process repeatedly pleased us with photographs of the results of this "roll". When looking at this torso, no one would have thought that once Martin Campbell, the director "Casino Royal", on auditions in Bondian called Henry "a little plump".

Fans "Witcher" rejoice that in the series they will not retreat from the canon and show the very scene with Heralt in the bath from the game - and we will join thanks to the producers of Netflix, let it be for several other reasons:

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Luke Evans.

Luke Evans 2019 has erected with events - from the release of a debut musical album to rumors that the actor will play first in the filmmoven Marvel Superhero Gay in the coming blockbuster "Eternal". But, of course, the impressive Torso Luche is deserved separate attention - who will say that the owner of the similar one is already 40 years old?

Evans himself, of course, coquettly claims to achieve such results was "very difficult", and the fruits of harsh workouts are reaping in the way - regularly praised torso in various degrees of "dyeing" in Instagram, and we are fully supported by this initiative.

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James McEvoy

Another forty-year actor, whose physical form would envy some twenty-year-old: James McAvoy in 2019 lit up not only in the sequel "it" and the failure "dark phoenix", but also in the "glass", swinging for filming to some straight Taks immodest dimensions. And let him hide their treasures of McEVA in all scenes (sometimes female), we are thanks to the Internet, Syamalan and the Institute of Personal Trainers - still know how the torso of the X-Men's Stars looked at the peak of the form, and the spectacle is not for Weak spirit.

Публикация от James Mcavoy (@jamesmcavoyrealdeal)

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Liam Hemsworth

Bad news: Liam, barely swaying from Miley Cyrus, again broke the hearts of the fan of fans, traded the status of a free (and very attractive) man on a novel with a beginner actress Maddison Brown. Or with a model Gabriella Brooks (tabloids have not yet been determined). Good news: "For memory" about short-term "Status: Free" We only have a photo - but what:

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Results 2019 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso 27372_12

Results 2019 according to PopcornNews: the best male torso 27372_13

Elsa Pataki, dusting with righteous anger after the separation of Liam with Miley Cyrus, hinted that he deserves the best, and, as he should adopt on this musculature, we fully agree with her.

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