George Martin told how the death of domestic pets inspired him to "game of thrones"


It turned out that in childhood George was seriously worried about the death of his pets, these dark thoughts just contributed to the development of his fantasy.

I had a toy castle, ideal for two turtles. But for some reason they lived quite short. Maybe the feed was not too nutritious. In general, my turtles died, and it broke my heart, I had to come up with some explanation every time why this happens

- said Martin.

To come to terms with the death of the turtles, the future writer came up with various perverted ways of murder.

I decided that they were not just dying, but kill each other, they lived in the castle and obviously, they were knights, kings, princes and fought for a turtle throne,

- Shared his secret by the author.

It is noteworthy that earlier George Martin stated that the main idea of ​​rivalry for the Iron throne in the "Game of Thrones" he emphasized from real historical events. In particular, on the creation of a large-scale fantasy-saga, he inspired the war of the scarlet and white rose for the British crown, which turned in Britain in the 15th century.

George Martin told how the death of domestic pets inspired him to

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