"Something is wrong with her": Miley Cyrus shocked aggressively and frankly


Cyrus published several photos in his Instagram. At the first picture of Miley stands in boxing shorts and a very small translucent top. The singer's outfit looks frankly, and the posture of Cyrus is quite aggressive: it demonstrates its biceps and shows oskal.

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She signed a snapshot. Apparently, the success of the song Don't Call Me Angel awakened a militant mood in it.

But the second shot forced the fans of Miley to wake up for her health. Excessive thinness of the singers brought fans on the thoughts that it abuses for the prohibited substances. They were not ashamed to express their suspicions in the comments. "She looks painfully, it becomes clear that something is wrong with her," he wrote one of the subscribers. Also, fans really did not like the top Miley, who barely covered the chest. They noted that he looks very dirty.

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But there were a lot of positive comments. Subscribers wrote that they want the same shorts, called Cyrus Queen and made it compliments.

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