Avril Lavin broke up with the son of a billionaire a year of relationship


Avalanie and Surphima is reported by US Weekly edition. According to publications, the couple announced its parting, resicient from details. Their novel began in February last year, but official confirmation in the media appeared only in May. Since then, paparazzi often tried to photograph a happy couple on the streets of Los Angeles. They went on dates, enjoyed a joint shopping, went to travel and spent a good time with each other.

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Avril Lavin broke up with the son of a billionaire a year of relationship 27496_2

Avril Lavin broke up with the son of a billionaire a year of relationship 27496_3

The history of dating Avril and Philip is quite simple: the singer met him when they were visiting friends. Serofim is the son of Texas billionaire, which is one of the five heirs of the father's business.

It is worth noting that before the start of the relationship, the former lovers had a saturated personal life. They were twice in marriages, and the History of Surphim once shocked many. At first he married the daughter of a billionaire, and after the divorce he took her mother to his wife. Avril is also trying to find his second half for a long time: In 2015, she divorced Nickelback soloist, after a year everyone spoke about their novel with Roman Carbery, and a year later, the fans saw avalanie in the company producer Jonathan Rothema.

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