George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Tom Hanks: Julia Roberts replied, who would be left on an uninhabited island


The other day, Julia Roberts became a guest of a funny show Ellen Dedgenes. In the heading Burning Questions, the presenter suggested actress to choose, with whom from the star colleagues, with whom he was previously filmed, she would prefer to get stuck on a desert island: with Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt or George Clooney.

Hard to say. Each of them has useful qualities for this situation. Toma even had such an experience,

Said Julia, referring to the 2000 of the 3rd from the year 2000, in which the hero of Tom Hanks remained on the uninhabited island for many years, but she brought the Oscar actor.

George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Tom Hanks: Julia Roberts replied, who would be left on an uninhabited island 27502_1

As for the Kolleague Julia on the film "11 Friends of Osuhen", she has less trust.

Brad Calesky and watched the situation more optimistic. And with Clooney, we would just have fun, laughed, and then burned in the sun and both died,

- said Julia, laugh at his comment about George.

George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Tom Hanks: Julia Roberts replied, who would be left on an uninhabited island 27502_2

With Tom Hanks, Julia was filmed in the films "War Charlie Wilson" and "Larry Korun." With Brad Pitt, she starred in Mexican, with George Clooney - in his work "recognition of a dangerous person" and in the "Financial Monster". And in two parts of the "Friends of Oshen", Julia divided the film crew with both - Pitt and Clooney.

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