Anxious bell: how to understand that a man is going to quit you, according to his zodiac sign


Usually the impending "thunderstorm" is preceded by a small "moro". Let's see how men will behave different signs of the zodiac before breaking the relationship. Arm yourself with these prompts to morally harnessed in case of what.


As soon as you feel that your Aquarius began to resemble more on a friend, rather than on a passionate lover and a guy, something goes wrong. If you offended him or gave God changed, then the gap will be rapid. But if the Aquarius for some kind of reasons decided to finish your novel, then it will do it slowly, hiding behind the "cloak of friendship." He will smile to you and pretend that everything is not bad yet, but your hobbies and problems will be less and less interested. Until at all disappear from his head. And with them he himself.


Fisies are not easy to predict, but certain "calls" are. Some warning signals will be changed from the playful once tone to indifferent and non-modest. Usually such monologues are accompanied by a bored and inexpressive face of fish. By their nature, a man-fish will try to make you hurt, but as you can tactful. Ideally, such a partner would like everything to say with itself and will take silent-expectant tactics. You will have to be the first to reach a serious conversation, if something like has already been observed in your relationship.


In a situation of breaking relationships, you can face two types of Aries: ruthless and humane. The first will make that you will find a guilt of parting and find a lot of reasons for this. The second will "throw" all over and desperately repent. Both types will try to stay by your "buddies", but at the same time will be considered to flirt with other women. Aries can be rude and powerful, but in fact he does not give pleasure to break the hearts. Be bold and straight in your questions and then you will receive a portion of truth. Even completely unpleasant.


Taurus is a stubborn earthly sign, and if he has occurred care, it will still start to argue with you about and without. Moreover, the criticism in your side "sprinkled in Grad." Be ready for the phrase "God! How I'm tired of you! " Taurus often happens greedy and before parting will be a real feet. He will begin to ignore the holidays, anniversaries and forget about your birthday. Every time you go to the room, his face will shrink in the grimace, as if in the room suddenly smelling unpleasantly.


Gemini - the most volatile, but also the most faithful sign. A man twin is a funny and melancholic partner. But this is this duality and two-cap! These qualities will break out in all its glory! Before parting, he will be able to keep them. He wants only gradually and is inclined to grab at the same time for everything. And with you, as it were, well, and on the side perfectly. Breathing on two chairs - twin tactics during the threat of parting. If he is seriously tuned to the gap, it will begin to handle you as a sex rag. The twin will ruthlessly comment on your appearance, age and education.


Cancer is trying to get out of relationships with comfort for himself. It is difficult to talk to him about feelings - he is a wonderful listener, but when it comes to problems in relations, cancer will be clearly annoyed. Anxious signals will be organized by them in secret from you meetings with friends, dinners without your company and single shopping hiking. It will prevent the look that is trying to find a way out of the crisis, but it is only visibility. It's not easy to leave him, but if the cancer decided to do this, then it will bring the point to the point.

a lion

Lion is a dramatic man. Before parting, any trifle from your side will turn around in screams and a wedding. "Yes, when do you dress, finally?! How much can you wait for you! "," What a hairstyle?! "," God, it is impossible to eat! ". Although before that, everything was cute to the heart of a lion, even slightly saved omelet. Most of the Lion is afraid to be rejected, so it will take ahead. He needs to be the first in any situation, so the lion's parting is recognized before you. He will feel the winner.

Anxious bell: how to understand that a man is going to quit you, according to his zodiac sign 27539_1


Virgo does not know how to leave a partner. Unfortunately, such a man thinks that suffering is a normal part of his life and relationships. Virgo, who is in collapsing relationships, will do everything to be choke with suffering. Male Virgo will manifest himself a real monster, humiliating and offending you, will be a hope that you mostly collect a suitcase and disappear beyond the horizon. But before that, Virgo will give you everything he thinks about your appearance, upbringing, habits and sexual opportunities. Perhaps at this moment you yourself want to send it far away. Prepare for the fact that after parting Virgo again draws in front of your nose and says how much loves, but to live together too confused experiment for him.


As soon as the relationship smelled fried, the male scales will stop writing you SMS, will lose interest in shared friends and your problems. And this floly will reach very long, because such a copy is able to part year. During this time, he dares in every way serious conversations or pretends that he does not understand anything. The truth is that, most likely, the scales really do not know what they feel, and still weighed what is happening. Such a partner may suffer from the flour of conscience, he thinks more than once about how unfairly throwing someone who did not make him anything wrong. But if you are responsible in something in front of him, then your story will end quickly.


Scorpion has a bad reputation, but, as a rule, he is a sympathetic man. Before parting will leave for you an explanatory and thoughtful note, full experiences. If you can not understand the meaning of her content and do not answer as the scorpion expects, then his psyche will come out of the banks. He will behave like a spoiled child, and nothing will make it happy. Scorpio when parting will tear your things, gladly suggests you and will sabotage your future relationships.


Sagittarius in the break of relationships is an extremely unpleasant subject. He, without thinking, will begin to bring sorny from the hut and tell all the details about your life together. Sagittarius will behave as if you are an idiot, who missed your happiness. He will meet a man, important and cute for you, and tell him everything that boiled. Angry, emotional and even violent - such a shooter before and at the time of care.


Capricorn will prepare a complete clarification package why everything ended between you. It will turn into a real snob and stop paying joint accounts, dinners in the restaurant and even a taxi. Moreover, a new gift will be revealed in his character - to use you in your own interests. As soon as he licks you without a rest, it will immediately leave.

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