John Boyega admitted that this is because of him the script of the film "Skywalker. Sunrise "got on ebay


Not so long ago the director of the picture "Star Wars: Skywalker. The sunrise "Jay Jay Abrams commented on the incident when the script had not yet released the film suddenly turned out to be available in the form of a lot on eBay. Abrams then told that he was to blame for the star wars that occurred. Being visiting the good Morning America show, John Boyaega, the executor of the role of ex-attor of Finn, admitted that Abrams meant him. At the same time, the actor immediately added that everything happened completely by chance.

Yes, I am to blame for everything. But let me tell how the matter was there. I moved from one apartment to another. When doing their own things, I threw the scenario under the bed - I expected that in the morning, as soon as I wake up, I would immediately take it and go. But the next day our friends declared me, we had a little having fun, and the script remained lying under the bed. After a few weeks, the cleaner came, found a script and posted it on eBay, in requinging him about 65 pounds. Obviously, this man did not know how valuable thing was in his hands,

- told Boyega.

John Boyega admitted that this is because of him the script of the film

The actor also shared that he was a little frightened when his scenario was on sale, and he immediately began to call from the studio. At the same time, the Boyegue joked that even Mickey Mouse called him with Ukrai. Boyega added that he actually does not know himself than the film will end, because in the course of the work there were many different scenes.

Публикация от John Boyega (@johnboyega)

However, the story with the scenario was waiting for a happy end. Abrams said that Lucasfilm Studio managed to return a lost copy before it was sold, so all the secrets of the upcoming film remained intact.

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