Charlize Theron is not ashamed to talk about how her mother killed her father


Journalists National Public Radio decided to ask Charlize a few questions on the presentation of the film "Scandal", in which the actress played one of the main roles. Theron discussed with them an adultery in an unhealthy family atmosphere. She did not hide that this problem was very close to her, because the mother of the actress Gerd killed her father, trying to defend themselves.

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Charlize Theron is not ashamed to talk about how her mother killed her father 27587_2

At that time, Charlize was 15 years old.

My father was a sick person. All his life he was an alcoholic, and I knew him only on this side. It was a hopeless situation in which our family is stuck. When you live with an alcoholic, every day is unpredictable. This trace remains on your soul forever,

- she shared. According to Charlize, the relationship in her family was unhealthy, but she would like the terrible event of that night never happened.

My father was very drunk and barely walked when he came to a house with a pistol. My mother and I were in the bedroom, leaving for the door, because he wanted to embroider her. He moved a step and shot at the door three times,

- Remembers the actress. Fortunately, none of the bullets fell into Teron and her mother. But the deed of the father gave Gerde to understand that it was necessary to eliminate the threat of their lives.

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Charlize notes that it is not ashamed to talk about what happened. In her opinion, it is very important to talk about violence in the family, because it is so people will be able to understand that with a similar problem face not only they are alone.

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