Copy of Clint Isovda: The creators of "Avengers: the final" showed the concept art of the old Steve Rogers


Artist Ryan Mainering, heading of the visual development department in Marvel Studios, shared a new portion of concept arts in connection with the film "Avengers: Final". It was Manending that is responsible for the appearance of many heroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At the presented arts, you can see an early version of the aqueous Steve Rogers / Captain America performed by Chris Evans. Without difficulty, it can be noted that in the appearance of the hero, the traits of the clint of Istoda with its characteristic squad are traced.

Copy of Clint Isovda: The creators of

It is not known whether the generated version of Steve Rogers intentionally was endowed with the similarity with the Ostiva, but if desired, it is possible to see a certain logic in this: thanks to this go, the hero would have looked at retired, not so fragile and defenseless.

Copy of Clint Isovda: The creators of

Moreover, if the Steve Rogers would have had an appearance and a steel gaze, he would still be able to return to Captain America again. For example, something similar happened to this hero on the pages of comics. It is likely that the Marvel's creative team as a result refused the initial concept precisely in order to bring the line under the superhero fools Rogers.

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