Pugacheva in American: Russians confused the "Matryoshki" star with Allla Borisovna


You can make sure of this by looking at this, looking at the fresh advertising photo session of Gucci, in which a 40-year-old actress starred. Due to the fact that LIONN in the pictures - poured the Primaudonna of the Russian pop in his youth, the photoset was already called "Soviet".

Pugacheva in American: Russians confused the

Indeed, Natasha seemed to copy his image from photographs of our star: a shock of red hair, a shapeless dress Balahon, a languid look from a thick bang. "At first, I thought that Alla," Pugacheva in American "," As similar to our Alla Borisovna, "such comments are left by Russian users.

It is noteworthy that Natasha Lionn played an American of Russian origin in the TV show "Matryoshka". According to the plot, she falls into a temporary loop and forced every evening to celebrate its 36th birthday, just finding out what happened to her and how to stop it. Moreover, Russian translators even added a couple of jokes about Pugachev and Kirkorov, apparently to beat a noticeable similarity with the primitive.

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