Common horoscope for man and women Aquarius for 2020


Stars will be favorable to Aquarius - 2020 for calm and creative representatives of this sign will be quite successful. Slow, but the right promotion of the career ladder, restoring confidence and mutual understanding with your loved one, the knowledge of yourself and finding harmony - all this is waiting for an aquaev in a year of white metal rat.

Horoscope for Women Aquarius for 2020

Woman-Aquarius in a year of white metal rat is not waiting for a sharp rise in the career ladder, but the year promises to be calm and fairly stable. All projects for which the Woman Aquarius will decide will be completed successfully, but only with the condition that the forces will really be attached to this. Those water, which work does not make fun, will be able to start making money on his hobby - until the fact that the autumn Aquarius will decide to quit and fall into a new business with his head.

The main thing is that the stars advise family women-water femalers - do not lie. Be honest towards your loved one and try to trust him. Perhaps closer to the summer it will seem that relationships do not make sense and feelings cooled - it may even have a fleeting novel at work, but you should not rush to the outer with your head, these relationships can provoke a conflict with management.

The beginning of 2020 for single women-water will not be easier. Someone will decide to put the final point in an unpromising relationship, someone will remember about the last love and wants to return - any decision is worth weighing. The horoscope promises the Aquarius to the fateful meeting at the beginning of spring - a new acquaintance will literally turn over the previous world from the legs on the head, and by the fall, the feelings will manifest themselves to the fullest.

Aquarius for some reason do not have much confidence in the doctors, often try to engage in self-medication and exacerbate this situation. Reception of any medications without medical recommendations is unlikely to help improve well-being, representatives of the Aquarius sign should be remembered - and in the event that the first symptoms appeared, testifying to the problems in the body, you need to go to the hospital and entrust the health of professionals.

Common horoscope for man and women Aquarius for 2020 27632_1

Horoscope for Male-Aquarius for 2020

In financial and career plane, the year of the white metal rat for men-aquaries is extremely favorable - they are waiting for promotion, although not too fast. For this they will have to make efforts, but for their work they will receive a worthy remuneration. In the fall, the horoscope promises a certain proposal associated with work - it may be interested in Aquarius, but it is not necessary to take it right away. In the year of the white metal rat, the star advise to be careful with money - not to take and not give money.

Married aquaries can think about the continuation of the kind - a great time will come for this. It would be nice to arrange a honeymoon with your favorite person, even if it is for a long time behind - the journey together will perfectly help to establish relationships and refresh the feelings in pairs that have long been together.

Waterword men who have not yet met their half, the stars advise to be patient - not everything will be simple, not every acquaintance must have a continuation. I rolled down in tenderness and love of Aquarius are ready to trust almost the first person who caused sympathy - but it is necessary to look at things adequately, and if the goal is permanent serious relationships, and not a fleece flirt, then it is worth being patient.

The health problems of man-aquarius can experience only if he himself ceases to follow it - alcohol abuse, cigarettes and harmful foods are pretty quickly felt. In addition, the aquaries risk due to overwork and inclipboard - instead of long-term goals in large noisy companies, it is better to devote the time to a healthy sleep, and in the fall, if the work and finance will be allowed to get on vacation.

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