The star of "Doctor Who" accused BBC in reluctance to make a mistake mistakes in black


The comedian actor Lenny Henry, who in the twelfth season "Doctor Who" will appear as a mysterious magnate of the world of high technologies, the other day literally accused BBC in reluctance to consider the main role of the series of dark-skinned actors. According to him, the channel management rather would rather offer this place to the dog.

In an interview with Colourful Radio, the actor noticed that even Jody Whitaker became the first woman who was entrusted to play a doctor, in his opinion, BBC will have to go through a very long way to achieve this diversity.

Henry also said that when Showranner was Russell Daivis, dark-skinned actors in the series was much more.

There was so many blacks in the show that I called him and said that I would need to add a few whites, but it all confuses,

- Shared actor.

The star of

Speaking of his new role, Henry noted that he likes his image, and thanked the scenario of Chris Chibnell for the fact that he did not turn him into an ominous aliel.

Until now, about the twelfth season "Doctor who" knows not so much. Although the BBC TV channel was irritated to the imagination of fans with several teasers, it is clear only that the doctor and her friends are waiting for a collision with alien threats. Also, apparently, the lord of time will be in great danger.

The premiere of the first episode, which will consist of two parts, is scheduled for January 1, 2020. After that, the series will be broadcast on Sundays.

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