The star "Games of Thrones" called on the creators to show an alternative final for fans


And if Heaven refused to reveal the details of the second finals, referring to the prohibition of producers, then Chepman, on the contrary, supported the idea as soon as possible to show his audience.

Why not please fans? I would surely looked

- said the actor. He confirmed that the shooting of the alternative finals were not provided in advance, they were held for fun. However, in the current situation, when two million dissatisfied fans of the "Games of the Thrones" require a final series, to show another ending no longer seems to be such a meaningless ventilation.

Note that the bewilderment and perturbation of the audience caused several storylocks: the inexplicable madness of Deineris, too merciful death of Serne and, of course, Bran Stark, undeservedly received iron throne. Now the last word remains for the creators of the cult TV show - whether they will show the alternative final or pretend that nothing happened.

Recall that the scenarios of the series David Benioff and Dan Wayss, who, according to the loyal fans of the Games of the Thrones, disgusting their work, recently received deert. Cinematographers were supposed to develop a new trilogy of "Star Wars" for Disney, but the studio refused the services of optional scenarios.

The star

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