Thai Vaititi recognized Scarlett Johansson actress of the decade and explained why


Scarlett Johansson is filmed in the cinema from orphanage, but for the last decade she has become a world-scale movie descent. This year, the actress appeared immediately in three major films, one of which is the tragicomedy of the Thai Weiti "Rabbit Jodjo." On the pages of the special release of The Hollywood Reporter Vaititi gave proper Johansson, calling her the main actress of the outgoing decade. This is also indicated by calculations conducted by an authoritative publication: Over the past 10 years, Johansson starred in 23 films, which in the amount gathered in global rental without a small $ 13 billion.

I was always interested in people who remain for those surrounding mysterious, but I also admire those who are able to surprise themselves and maintain a steady commitment to their work. My assessment is absolutely precisely prejudice, but the Scarlett game in my film inspires me a big diet in front of it. She is very caring and always attentive to other people, while she has a very sharp sense of humor - it was these qualities that were useful for her in the image of a rose from the "Rabbit Jodjo". I would like to see her in more clearer comedies - not in consumer goods, but in films in which deep meanings are hidden. It is excellent in this genre because it has a subtle feeling of irony and sarcasm,

- said Vaititi, adding that he was very comfortable to work with Johansson, because it has a composure of self-esteem, imperfect to himself and is always ready to join the dialogue with the director, so that they will solve certain creative tasks together.

Thai Vaititi recognized Scarlett Johansson actress of the decade and explained why 27678_1

Frame from the movie "Wedding Story"

In addition to the "Rabbit Jodjo", in 2019, Johansson played in the "Avengers: Final", as well as in the Drama Noah Bumbak "Women's Story" - for the role in this picture, the actress has chances to compete for Oscar.

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