Photo: 61-year-old Madonna caught in the arms of a 26-year dancer


Madonna and Ahlamalik fell into the lenses of the cameras in the past weekend. Paparazzi filmed a joy of beloved on the hotel room balcony. In the pictures you can see how Williams hugs his beloved and keeps her waist, and the pop queen enjoys his society. After some time, the company was diluted by Madonna's daughter, which is just three years old one of the chief of singer.

Rumors about Madonna and Williams novel appeared in the middle of the summer, when the singer published a video dedicated to the dancer in Instagram. Many did not perceive this act seriously, but now Madonna proved that they really bind them at all on all friendly relations.

"Lourdes as if asked:" Seriously, moms? Is this guy? "

Photo: 61-year-old Madonna caught in the arms of a 26-year dancer 27681_1

At the same time, insiders report that singers are very concerned about her novels with young people. Sources argue that Madonna does not pay attention to his peers, but the guys are interested in it much more often. However, they are confident that long-term and strong relationships with young chief chiefs will not be able to build.

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