Ksenia Sobchak about dislike for thick, plastic operations and a small breast: "Like a flat board walk"


Ksenia once again reminded the public that he did not like and did not understand the thick people. In his Instagram, Sobchak repeatedly noted that he considers a beautiful troubled sports body, and not roundness and forms that Ksenia asks to "leave truckers."

I have the right to not love fat people. If this right does not follow that I want to put them in prison, shoot, forcibly forcing them to lose weight. But I have the right to hatred or dislike for someone,

Said Sobchak and noted that even sitting next to their full people is not comfortable. At the same time, Ksenia stressed that he leaves intolerance within himself, no one forces anything and did not support discrimination.

I will fight for the fact that Tolstoy had the same rights as thin people. But with all I have the right to not love fat people. Do you understand what a paradox?

- says Sobchak.

Ksenia Sobchak about dislike for thick, plastic operations and a small breast:

Continuing the topic of beauty, Ksenia stated that he considers little chest the most beautiful and does not understand why women increase bust.

And it seems to me that there is nothing more stronger than a small breast. Silicone tits cause me horror and trembling,

- noted Sobchak.

Ksenia Sobchak about dislike for thick, plastic operations and a small breast:

At the same time, she stressed that everyone has the right to their preferences.

This is liberalism. Someone likes huge silicone tits and lips, and someone likes a flat board to walk and feel hands. And this is normal, it should be

- summed up Ksenia.

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