Paris Hilton banned to let the former groom per party after breaking the engagement


The other day the heiress of the multimillion state rested with friends in one of the elite clubs in Miami. Having learned that Zilka at this time is also in the city, Paris Hilton asked the Swiss in no case to let the actor at her party.

If he came, Paris would feel very uncomfortable,

- explained the friend of the secular lioness. But, it seems, Chris Zilka himself did not burn with the desire to see the former beloved, so the evening was held without excesses.

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Paris Hilton banned to let the former groom per party after breaking the engagement 27717_2

It is difficult to believe that even recently Paris with admiration responded about five minutes later.

I have never met such a devotee and loving person. From the very beginning, I knew that I always want to be with him,

She said in January 2018 in an interview with People magazine.

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Until now, it is not known why the couple broke up, insiders say that Paris Hilton was too fascinated by work and the lovers strongly moved away from each other. However, the fascinated feelings did not influence the love of Paris to diamonds - the engagement ring worth two million dollars singer chose to leave himself.

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