Balovni Fate: Three signs of the zodiac, which will always be the happiest


On his searches we spend years and take everything in our power. For some of us, this constant process did not bring (for now!) Results, while others at this time are easily and carelessly become happy. Who are these dumplings of fate?

Lion: They are childish playful and shine like the sun

Balovni Fate: Three signs of the zodiac, which will always be the happiest 27720_1

Controlled by the forever burning sun, people born under the sign of the lion shine so brightly, as if they were the purest diamond. Fire Planet The Sun, which controls their spirit and mind, firmly "drove" them the idea that they must be happy. Lions constantly hold their hearts open for positive emotions, pleasant little things, communication and new impressions. It may sometimes seem that these people are unnecessarily attracting attention and actors are dramatized, but it is only a strategy on the way to personal happiness. This sign, how no other is able to make a magically not to notice the problem and the next test of fate. Smiling, they overcome a lot and feel at the same way of circumstances. That is why Lviv can be congratulated - they are exceptional lucky!

Scales: they are looking for justice and love harmony

If everything in this life depended on the scales, there would be no alarms or sorrow in the world. Rubbed by irresistible Venus, the planet of love and beauty, scales prefer to surround themselves with excellent things. And we are talking not only about the material. They are important to be in a good company among interesting people, to be at the premieres in theaters and cinema, travel a lot. In these aspirations, they are insatiable and constantly feel hunger in novelty. She for them is a drug and the feeling that at this moment the moment in their lives has come. In addition, the scales are easy to compromise, and they are the key to good relationships with people. After all, happiness is impossible without friends and the closest person, who will always be near.

Sagittarius: They are sociable and full of optimism

No doubt, Sagittarius are the most happy signs of the zodiac, precisely because they are obsessed with adventures and freedom. The secret mechanism is built into their subsidiary, which can overcome pain and return forces for new feats. Managed by Jupiter, the planet education, expansion and great opportunities, this changeable sign is looking for only the best and pleasant emotions for itself. They all lack them all the time, they are for him a powerful stimulus and motivation. They will strive for the edge of the earth to be in an exotic place, where they can sighed with complete breasts and exclaim: "God, how happy I am!".

Author: Telenitskaya Julia

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