51-year-old Naomi Watts showed how it looks without makeup and retouching


The other day, the star "King Kong" showed in his Instagram, as going to the Bambi Prize in Germany.

Going to unfold

- wrote in Microblog Naomi and published his photo after the shower. In the frame of the actress poses with a towel on his head without a gram of cosmetics.

The greater the star retouch their photos and transform faces with the help of fillers and cosmetics, the warmer users meet "honest" celebrity pictures without processing and makeup. Watts left a lot of compliments: "I love this actress very much. Always intelligent and clean image, "Naomi, you are ideal! Beautiful woman even without makeup "," It looks great, she does not need cosmetics, "" Beautiful natural face. "

51-year-old Naomi Watts showed how it looks without makeup and retouching 27727_1

51-year-old Naomi Watts showed how it looks without makeup and retouching 27727_2

It is known that Naomi has its own cosmetic brand Onda. Recently in the social network she shared beauty secrets. Naturally, Watts recommended using its products, in particular, to those who, for 40, and also advised to moisturize the skin.

Naomi also told about the importance of sports and noted that he was engaged in yoga, pilates and dancing. At the same time, the actress is not too stronger to himself in terms of diet and is a fan of pasta, which sometimes allows itself as Guilty Pleasure.

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