Star "Doctor Who" David Tennant will play a serial killer


Scottish actor David Tennant, famous for the main roles in the TV series "Doctor Who" and "Murder on the Beach", will lead the acting of a new dramatic thriller called DES, the production of which is engaged in the ITV television channel. The film divided into three parts will tell the story of the serial killer named Dennis Nielsen.


In addition to Tennant, a number of other famous artists will play in the film. Daniel Mace will fulfill the role of the main inspector Peter Jee, while Jason Watkins will embody on the screen Brian Masters, who became the author of Nielsen's biography. Polly Hill, representing the ITV manual, the startup of DES said:

The film will begin with the arrest of Nielsen. We will see it with the eyes of police officers who will try to deal with committed crimes and achieve justice. David Tennant will look great in the image of Nielsen. Together with Daniel and Jason, they form a magnificent cast.


Scenario written by hatch Nile, based on the book of Masters Killing for Company (that is, the "killing for the company"), which contains conversations with trouting mind Nielsen. There is no time soldier and a policeman, Nielsen, also known as des, led a lonely life and suffered from depression. In the period from 1978 to 1983, in his home in Northern London, he killed at least 15 boys and young men. Being a captured police, he was convicted of life imprisonment.

The shooting of the film should begin in the near future, and his premiere will be supposed to be held next year.

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