Young Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, Ed Shiran and others in a special vocabulary of "Star Wars"


On the eve of the release of the painting "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "Lucasfilm Studio introduced a touching video called Special Look (" Special Look "), in which the history of the famous cosmic saga is traced from the original trilogy to the present day. In addition to bright frames about how "Star Wars" have become an integral element of modern pop culture, the video includes a number of materials from the shooting of the coming film. In particular, it can be noted that in the ninth episode of the audience, Kameo Musician Ed Shiran and the composer Lina-Manuel Miranda, who is known as the creator of the Musical "Hamilton".

"Skywalker. Sunrise "will put an end to the grandiose" saga about SkyOckers ", which covers all the currently existing cynotrilogy. The audience is waiting for the final act of the eternal confrontation between the noble Jedi and their irreconcilable enemies of Sithami. Fans hope that as a final chord director JJ Jay Abramse prepared something truly magnificent.

In the future, "Star Wars" will have to start a completely new chapter, leaving those who loved the characters in the past. They should be replaced by another host of heroes and villains. True, there are no specific information about future projects within the framework of the filmmaking yet - all attention is riveted to the upcoming film. In the Russian rental "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "will be released on December 19th.

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