Tom Hanks explained why he never played "bad guys"


Tom Hanks is nicknamed "Loves America". The filmography of a 63-year-old actor is distinguished by the abundance of good-natured and sincere characters, which always conquer the location of the audience, whether it is Woody ("Toy History"), Walt Disney ("Save Mr. Banks"), turned into an adult child ("Big") or Forrest Gump.

Tom Hanks explained why he never played

However, henxcu was made to play and negative characters, but it turns out that these roles remain as if in the shade, since the actor looks wrong with them. It turns out that Hanks himself understands that "bad guys" is not his profile, and the actor has a good reason for it.

For a long time, I realized that I was not able to at least suck fear. Of course, this is something completely different than be good, you know? I think I can create different images, but malice and hostility are clearly not correlated with me. I cannot reveal it in myself, while the roles of bad guys typically require a certain level of hostility. I do not think that I can achieve such an effect only by pretending,

- Recently admitted Hanks.

Despite this, Hanks at one time played a killer (albeit cute) in the film "Damned Way" (2002), a fraudster-aristocrat in the picture of the Kohen Brothers "Gentlemen Games" (2004), as well as villain in a failed fantastic thriller "Sphere" (2017), in which the company was made up by Emma Watson and John Boyager. Now, however, Hanks returned to the screens in the form of Dobryak - he played Fred Rogers in the film "A Wonderful Day next door." It is possible that the HankC will be nominated for this role on the next "Oscar".

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