"Such beauty does not show - a crime": 41-year-old love Tolkalina showed a figure in a swimsuit


The actress is not of those who love to nude on the camera, but recently she made an exception and published a video in Instagram, on which it is easily able to see her slim figure. Tolkalina arranged a three-day vacation in Italy and decided to plunge into Garda's mountain lake. Carefully enter (at the bottom of the reservoir there are many stones), 41-year-old artist told that the water was warm and there are many fish in it, and then dived.

Tolkalina's subscribers came to delight from what they saw and did not bother to compliments in the comments, and the actress was praised, but her strength of the Spirit praised. "The desperate girl", "Lyuba, you are a walrus", "I even look at you cold", "Bold," - they write some folloviers. "Figure fire", "such a figure does not show - just a crime", "Goddess! In Ryazan, all such "," you can easily look at three elements: fire, water and love Tolkalin, "" Little Mermaid ", - others admire.

It remains a mystery, in whose companies the actress rested, but it is difficult to believe that she is alone with such external data. Recall that love for many years consisted in a civil marriage with an actor and director Egor Konchalovsky, from which Maria's daughter gave birth in 2001. At the beginning of the year it became known that Tolkalen met with TV presenter John Warren, but the actress categorically denied this information. In addition, she is attributed to a novel with a musician Boris Greeschikov.

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