Amazon bought a film about Rihanna's life for $ 25 million


Documentary tape on which Peter Berg worked for many years, tells the truthful story about the formation and evolution of one of the most famous stars in the world of pop music. The director had unlimited access to the personal space of the singer and filmed more than 1,200 hours of material. The film turned out to be very frank and touching, the audience will receive a unique opportunity to learn their idol better and, perhaps, understand the motivation of some of its actions.

Note that it is Piter Berg Rihanna owes the first role in the full-length movie. In 2012, she starred in his fantastic militant Sea Battle. True, the debut turned out to be unsuccessful, Rihanna with the move was "Golden Malina" in the nomination "The worst female role of the second plan". We hope that the second joint project of the director and singers will not hit the face.

Amazon bought a film about Rihanna's life for $ 25 million 27777_1

Amazon bought a film about Rihanna's life for $ 25 million 27777_2

It is noteworthy that last week another singer was awarded his own documentary. The film dedicated to Billy Isilish, bought Apple TV. The young star was assessed in the same amount as Rihanna - $ 25 million.

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