Christian Bale shared that the wife adores his hero from the "driver"


The actor shared this in an interview with People. According to Bale, after the emergence of children in his life a lot has changed. Now he is trying to get rid of the habit of completely reincarnation in his characters, because a caring father does not want to confuse daughter and son.

But my wife had definitely among them. She did not like to say goodbye to the characters and said something like: "Oh, there is no more. I'll miss. Damn, I want you to reincarnate again in this hero! "

- Bale told with laughter.

Christian Bale shared that the wife adores his hero from the

Sibi Blazik even has a favorite among Christian characters. They became Trevor Reznik from the movie "Machinist". This choice can be called rather strange, because for the sake of reincarnation in this hero Bale almost did not sleep and dropped 30 kilograms. Recall that the history of a man who has not been sleeping for a long time is told in a psychological thriller, and because of this, his reality is mixed with dreams.

Christian Bale shared that the wife adores his hero from the

But the actor was able to explain why Sibi misses this hero.

At that time I did everything she told me. I've known to know Zen: I slept for two hours, and then read the book to eight hours in a row, not moving. I was so relaxed and calm as ever in my life. I think it was her who liked it

- suggested an actor. However, Christian added that over time Blaise would be tired of this excessive peacekeeping, so soon everything fell into place.

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