From Mulan to "Black Widow": five large blockbusters of 2020 removed women directories


Not so long ago, in the American film industry, women directors at the head of major films were rare, but now the situation changes. In this regard, Hollywood is on the threshold of a turning point, because many of the most expected paintings of 2020 will be delivered by women. Among such large-scale films - "Birds" Katie Yan, Mulan Niki Karo, "Black Widow" Kate Shortland, "Wonder Woman: 1984" Patty Jenkins and "Eternal" Chloe Zhao. In this regard, it is worth paying tribute to Disney Studios and Warner Bros. who are ready to trust their flagship projects.

According to preliminary estimates, up to 14 films filmed by directors were to be included in the hundreds of the most profitable films of 2019. At the moment, such pictures (their number is 15) a total of $ 2.79 billion in global steel, but only two of them are "Captain Marvel" and "Cold Heart 2" - can be considered real global blockbusters. For comparison, in 2020, such status can achieve all five above films.

No matter how cynically sounded, nothing changes the Hollywood conjuncture better than money. It is likely that in the top 10 of the most profitable film projects of the next year, the number of "female" and "male" films will be equal. Such a state of affairs will be difficult to ignore that in turn should lead to fundamental changes in the entire industry. One of the potential consequences of this process can be wider recognition of women-directors, including when distributing all sorts of cinematic awards.

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