Tom Felton suggested returning "Harry Potter" with adult actors: "Rupert will play Draco, and I - Hermione"


At least now, the whole future of the magical world is concentrated on the franchise "fantastic creatures", the fans of Joan Rowling keep the Ear Egor, catching hints for the possible continuation of the history of Harry Potter.

Tom Felton suggested returning

And in one of the recent interviews Tom Felton, for eight films "Poteriana" played by a very unpleasant Draco Malfoy, said that if a film appears in the future, in which heroes would be adults, he would certainly take advantage of the case in it. When he was asked if he was ready to return to his character, Felton said:

Return to Hogwarts again? Yes, I am infinitely proud of young Draco, so any chance to play this role will again be invaluable.

True, then the actor joked that much more interesting for the cast would be to try their strength in other roles.

I think Rupert should play Draco, I will play Hermione, Dan can play Dobby, and Emma can become Hagrid, perfect reunification!

However, then Tom added that "if there was another chance to all together to get into another film, they would all take advantage of the opportunity to become part of it."

Tom Felton suggested returning

Recall that at the end of the final film Sagi Heroes 19 years after they left the school, send their own children to Hogwarts. And, as the actors are now approaching the same age in which their characters can be seen in the last moments of the tape, Tom believes that this is the right time to unite for a new film.

True, Rowling itself clearly does not consider the possibility of such a continuation of the Harry Potter Universe and gives all his attention to "fantastic creatures". Tricvel ribbons will be released on the screens in November 2021.

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