5 reasons for which it is worth waiting for the "Games of Thrones" about Targarei


Despite the controversial final, the "Game of Thrones" still has a huge fan base that does not want to part with his beloved universe. A few weeks ago it became known that HBO will give fans what they wish, the prehistory of the original series called the Dragon House was launched into production.

5 reasons for which it is worth waiting for the

Let the premiere of the new TV show be held no earlier than 2021, now you can enjoy the anticipation in connection with the upcoming return to the world of George R.R. Martin. The audience will surely expect the formidable dragons, epic battles and legendary love stories. We will analyze the five reasons why the "House of the Dragon" promises to become another outstanding saga.

Three Sloga: Sadker

Miguel Sapkeeper made the director of the most exciting episodes of the "Games of Thrones", including such a series as a "harsh house" (season 5) and "Battle of Bastardov" (Season 6). In the final season, he set the "long night" (Battle for Winterfelle) and "Bells" (in her deaineris and her army destroy the royal harbor). It was the Sadker who took the director's chair "Dragon Houses", in parallel with the duties of one of the shusrans. The presence of this figure at the head of the series is a bright signal that the best traditions of the original show will continue the best traditions of the original show, both in the visual part and with respect to the overall atmosphere.

Heads or tails?

The action of the "Dragon House" will unfold over 300 years before the events shown in the "Game of Thrones". According to official synopsis, the new series will tell about the "beginning of the end of the house of Targarey." And you must know what other things go about this family that does not be laughing with bleed mixing connections: when they were born, the gods threw a coin into the air, "and the world hid his breath in anticipation, what lot will fall out." Such a starting point in the history of Targarians gives all the grounds to expect a new portion of madness (hello to Verisu), which will only add the plot of acute.

5 reasons for which it is worth waiting for the

Start from scratch

One of the most exciting aspects of the original series was the immersion in his world - the audience had to be dealt with who and to whom love, hatred, lust, fear, trust. Now we will have the opportunity to go again in these intricacies of interpersonal relationships, because in the "Dragon House" we have to get to know the group of completely new characters, as well as with a unprecedented era. The basis of the new story will lay the Roman Martin "Flame and Blood".

5 reasons for which it is worth waiting for the

Comfort zone

Since the "Game of Thrones" left the ether, many fans managed to miss Westeros. "House of the Dragon" will give us the opportunity to return to familiar lands, having received the opportunity to trace how they developed throughout history.


You probably remember how destructive power have "children" deaineris, it is worth it to achieve their own genuine. Now imagine if the actions of the new series will develop, for example, during a terrible civil war, which was conducted among the two branches of the House of Targarey. There will be huge fireworms that do not know the merchants to both sides ... The suposhnik will definitely have to get the camera with a bigger lens.

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