The creator of "friends" told that the history of Phoebe could have a completely different ending


In an interview with Radiotimes, David said that Phoebe Buffe was almost left with David, her eccentric boyfriend from Minsk. He first appeared in the first season and participated in the events of the series several times. The last time David appeared in the ninth season: he came to Phoebe and was ready to make her proposal, but Phoebe was already with Mike.

The creator of

Crane noted that Phoebe would eventually stay with David.

We did not know who would be with her for a long time. Henk Azaria and Paul Radd are wonderful actors, they both perfectly looked with Phoebe. We rushed from one to another. I no longer remember why we chose T-shirt. But Phoebe could be with any of them,

- Writer shared.

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Previously, David Crane told why Phoebe Buffy did not make a girl Joey tribbiani, although their relations regularly crossed the borders of friendly. They kissed and Joey offered Phoebe get married when she thought she was pregnant. Liza Kudrou and Matt Leblan themselves called the relationship of their heroes of "friendship sex."

The creator of

According to Crane, make three couples from six friends - too banal idea.

It would be too accurate and logical. The goal was to preserve all six characters throughout the series, and it would be the easiest way to develop their relationship. We felt that he is wrong

Said Crane.

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