Keitlin Jenner told how children communicate with her: "They call me dad"


Recently, Catelin has told about their relationship with children after surgery. It turned out that all of them with understanding reacted to such a decision, but the sisters Kardashian Jenner could not stop counting Keitlin with her father.

They call me dad,

She told.

Keitlin Jenner told how children communicate with her:

Keitlin Jenner told how children communicate with her:

According to Jenner, Kendall became the first person in the family, who asked what appeal would sound most comfortable for Keitlin. Do not hesitate, she replied that her sisters could continue to call her dad, because even the change of sex could not affect strong father's feelings. Jenner also added that she was strange to hear, as the words "she" say after the word "dad".

19 grandchildren Jenner came up with another way to avoid extra problems and awkwardness. They gave the star nickname boom boom, and after that confusion it became less. According to Jenner, Bruce was in his life of his daughters in order to raise them, and Keitlin simply shares all the pleasures with them.

Keitlin Jenner told how children communicate with her:

Keitlin Jenner told how children communicate with her:

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