No longer father's daughter: Lisa Arzamasov surprised "intellectual sexy" photo


Lisa published in Instagram a spicy shot on which lies on the couch with a book in his hands. At the same time on the girl wearing transparent tights into a grid and a dress with an incredibly deep neckline. So the photo turned out to be truly "intellectual sexy."

No longer father's daughter: Lisa Arzamasov surprised

"As elegant!", "Lisa, nice to watch you", "You are good every year," one fans write with admiration. "After such photographs of thought obviously not about books," "Great outfit for reading", "Galina Sergeyevna is not the same," others are frozen.

But, of course, it was not without those subscribers who dream that Arzamasov remains forever for the very girl Botany, who does not recognize flirts and coquetry. "This is not yours. Even if you really want, hold on! "," Better more clothes, "the moralists insist.

No longer father's daughter: Lisa Arzamasov surprised

The actress, as applies to a good girl, was listened to the elders and after a few hours published a new shot. On it Lisa, closed in the "One hundred clothes", makes selfie in the elevator. True, judging by the husks, the first erotic photo liked Folloverm much more.

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