President Lucasfilm replied whether George Lucas disappointed with the new trilogy of "Star Wars"


Recently, the memoirs of the head of The Walt Disney Robert Aiger, in which he, in particular, said that the Creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, was upset by what circulation accepted Saga in new film chickens. Earlier, Lucas sold Dinsey the right to a new series of films, but the founder of Lucasfilm hoped that the upcoming paintings would follow the plan scheduled to them - let it not be part of contractual obligations. But seeing the "awakening of power", Lucas, according to Aiger, "did not hide his disappointment," because there was nothing new in the film. "

President Lucasfilm replied whether George Lucas disappointed with the new trilogy of

In an interview with Rolling Stone, President Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy tried to clarify this case:

I am familiar with George for more than 35 years, we are still very, very good friends. I think there are enough examples when people create something fundamental and very important for themselves, but when it comes up to part with it, then the creators have difficulty, after all, their life changes undergoes. It seems to me that initially George was not easy - I think he did not expect that he would have so hard. At the same time, Jay Jay [Abrams] joined the work with great enthusiasm and dining towards the "Star Wars" and George, but he still had to create something. Each director, starting working on a new film, should find its own way and tell your story. So there is a new, other point of view. I think this is what caused such a reaction from George.

Kennedy added that Lucas must be simply regretted that he no longer participates in the development of "Star Wars". At the same time, she doubts that Lucas will ever take for the creation of another film as part of the franchise launched by him.

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