Oscar Aizek described Dune Dune Villenev: "It shocks and inspires fear"


During the conversation with Entertainment Weekly about the film "Star Wars: Skywalker. The sunrise "Oscar Aizek was asked to share their impressions about another upcoming science fiction film - it's about the new screening of the" Dune ", for which Denis Villenev took up, one of the most talented modern film directories. In the new kinema Roman Frank Herbert, the key roles will perform Timothy Shalam (Paul Atreydess) and Rebecca Ferguson (Lady Jessica), while Aizek was prepared by the role of Duke Summer Atreides.

Oscar Aizek described Dune Dune Villenev:

Oscar Aizek described Dune Dune Villenev:

According to Aizek, he is sure that the new film will be outstanding:

Compared with previous screen vesicles, this picture will be completely completely different. I do not know anyone who would rather catch the intonation of the original Romanov Frank Herbert than Denis. In the upcoming film, some images are waiting for you, which - for the lack of a more suitable word - I would call the nightmare ... There is an element of cruelty. It shocks. This inspires fear. This is something penetrating from the inside. I can say for sure that Denis, I, Shalam and Rebecca Ferguson, felt myself a real family - we were purposefully worked to create an atmosphere filled with such emotions. I am free from joyful excitement. I really like the feeling that we do something fresh, unique and special.

Interestingly, earlier the Willian himself shared his ambition to create a film that will become "star wars" for adults. " Recall that earlier Willhenev took such pictures as "arrival" and "Running on the blade 2049".

Oscar Aizek described Dune Dune Villenev:

It is believed that the novel "Dune" is extremely difficult. In 1984, David Lynch took such an attempt, and in 2000 the corresponding mini-series came out. Dune Denis Villeneva will be released on the screens on December 17, 2020.

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