Kim Kardashian on Show Jay Leno


The presenter asked if the pregnancy was Kim planned and what sister she told about the child first. "It was a pleasant surprise. I was in Miami from Courtney, and therefore she recognized the first one. But mom I lay down that it was her who I am talking about pregnancy first. Courtney, together with me, went to tell Chloe, because I was very nervous. She was so Wants a child ... But she was happy for me. " The star admitted that he really wants to call the baby starly West. Kim is not going to follow the example of his sister and take birth to the camera.

Jay was surprised that in life Kim looks slimmer than in the photo in the press. He especially noted that her face looks thin. "Oh, this is because everything else has increased," Kim joked. "I have always been with feminine forms, and I loved them. So now I just love myself even more. I will have every life to lose weight if I want." I'm not going to worry about this. "

Kim joked about her next work after the end of the contract with the realized show of her family: "I was asked what I would do ... and I actually plan to take your place, Jay. After all, your contract ends too."

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