Joseph Gordon-Levitt launches his TV show


"Many ask me what it is for the red button on my clothes," said Joseph to the promotional video. - This is the "recording" button. I do not know if you know, but I launched a Hit Record company. We started her together with my brother like a hobby. But now this is a professional producer company. We are a little different from Hollywood companies, because we work with everyone. We publish books, we issue music, arrange concerts and in small bars and in big halls ... And now we have a lot of news ! I am not luge, it's really big news! I even put it for her for her. Ready? Drum ... Lady and Gentlemen, we make our TV show! " The leading will be Joseph himself. The episodes of the show will last half an hour, in which short films, cartoons, live performances, conversations, and clips are seen, combined with one topic. Anyone who wants to take part by sending their creation to the site Hit Record. Mute, whose songs, video or texts will be used on the air, will pay a real fee.

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