No matter how blocked in Instagram: Rihanna infected with candid photos in bikini


In 2014, Instagram blocked the Rihanna account due to the placement of candid photos. But who stopped? The star continues to tease subscribers with spicy pictures, demonstrating lush molds. The other day Rihanna showed fans a series of photographs from the pool. The singer posed in blue water, dressed in a bikini and a green cape. Rihanna's eyes hid in the dark glasses.

No matter how blocked in Instagram: Rihanna infected with candid photos in bikini 28044_1

No matter how blocked in Instagram: Rihanna infected with candid photos in bikini 28044_2

No matter how blocked in Instagram: Rihanna infected with candid photos in bikini 28044_3

She dedicated to Fenty clothing lines and accessories. This is your own brand of singer, for advertising which it is often removed personally and tries in bright images. Fans rated the post Rihanna: "Favorite girl", "cool", "fell in love with you, the witch", "Queen!" - Write in the comments of the singer users.

No matter how blocked in Instagram: Rihanna infected with candid photos in bikini 28044_4

Previously, Rihanna published a record in the microblogue, in which he said, why now it does not communicate with some friends and loved ones.

Friends, family, colleagues, with whom I did not go to the connection for several months, please forgive me. This year was crazy, and now I try to return to the so-called balance,

- wrote Rihanna.

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