Be ready: how to understand that the man fell in love, according to his sign of the zodiac


But how to understand that the man fell in love, if he, for example, is Capricorn? And if he is cancer? Astrologers give a detailed answer to this question.


Be ready: how to understand that the man fell in love, according to his sign of the zodiac 28102_1

Aries are known for their directness and openness. And the man of this sign is unlikely to raise you for a long time. Most likely, he will prefer a frank conversation. But you yourself can notice the alarming symptoms. The fact is that Aries are divided with their beloved literally to everyone. They need the chosen to share his interests and hobbies. If you started notifying that a man-Aries suddenly does not call you more on football or fishing, you can begin to beat the alarm. He gradually began to move away from you. And no longer experiences for your previous feelings.


Careful and closed shoulders are very hard for contact in general. Including with women. They need a lot of time to get used to man. And even more time it will be needed to trust completely and open your girlfriend all the corners of your soul. This is a very valuable gift from the Male-Taurus and get it very difficult. And if your partner has started to distance from you, do not extend something, it means that you have lost his trust. And love went out of your relationship. At least, from a man.


Gemini run from boredom, everyday life and women who have become an open book for them. Curious in the nature of their twins only then can stay next to the girl when she is indebted by the mystery, a mystery. It seems that the phrase that a mystery should be in a woman who came up with a twin man. Gemini will face boredom, simplicity, events. And as long as the girl is able to amaze him, be calm, he will not go anywhere from her. But if the twin decided that this mystery was already inflamed, you could not hold it any forces.


Power of a cancer in his family. Here he draws strength, energy and even inspiration. Therefore, there is nothing more important for cancer and more naturally than to introduce the selected with his family. And be prepared for the fact that not only he has a very warm and trust relationship with family. He wants to and you also entered their circle. In general, it is very good. But if a man-cancer suddenly realizes that the former feelings were faded, he will go with it not to you, but to mom. Or to dad. Or maybe younger sister. Or at all to the grandfather. In any case, you will be one of the latter to whom your chosen one will tell about fading love.

a lion

Looking, admiration, adoration - all this is necessary, as air or water. That is, it is vital. And in love, the man-lion will search, or even demand the same. Rules will change a bit. Now he will only enough for your adoration. But it should be around the clock and unconditional. In response, you will get all the love and care that this royal man is capable of. Anxious bell for you should be the fact that he is no longer looking for your admiration. Do you still love him, in principle, if he sobbed you. But since, without love and admiration, he cannot live, then to look for them will be from other people. Or from another girl.


Men of this sign critically belong to everything in the world. First of all, to himself. When this man is in love, this trait of his character is smoothed. It becomes softer, stopped and very patient to disadvantages or promoch partners. Another people of Virgin are little descended, because they are not just critics, they notice every little thing. The reason is firmly thinking about the girl should be a sudden critic in her address. Her partner will suddenly become very picky, literally to every little thing. But it is not all. If a man-male sobbed his companion of life, he could easily instill a complex of inferiority with his criticism. Do not expect objectivity or nobility from it.


In love with a man of this sign, you need your attention and presence of 24/7, 365 days a year. He breathes his chosen, lives it, can not without her day, not a minute. Many girls like it and even flatter. It's nice to be the subject of adoration and have such power over a man. In addition, many girls are calmer if the man is constantly next to them. So, where neither look, the man-scales in love is good on all sides. But if he swollen, then immediately talk about personal space, independent rest, etc. In such cases, it is necessary not to be alerted, but it's time to take some measures.


Scorpions love to put out their alleged honesty and openness, despite all their love for intrigues. They can even brave it somewhere. So, if Scorpio is in love, this will know the whole world. The next thing will recognize the world, this is that scorpion is jealous. This is another distinguishing feature of this sign - jealousy. In general, Scorpio is honest and directly says everything, always and everyone. And the same, absolutely not embarrassed and not thinking about the consequences, he will declare you that he no longer loves you. And even for a split second, the male scorpion does not think about what pain he causing it. After all, he is honest, and what else?


Easy, carelessness is something that attracts Sagittarius in life as a whole and in relations in particular. He will give you a holiday, unforgettable feelings. He will open your heart and soul and without a residue. He will be all yours and always with you, your eternal holiday. But barely only it is worth noting him that the relationship has become too complicated, and the burden of responsibility is too heavy, it will be the beginning of the end. No, he will not roll your hysteria. He will not give you silence or worse than infinite mockery, or quirks. He will just gradually stop talking to you. And then it will also gradually disappear from your life and from the field of your vision.


Capricorn - men who are firmly standing with both legs on Earth. And above all, they practice. And besides this, Capricorns are very thorough. For whatever they come, they put all their souls there, all their thoughts, all themselves. This is happening in love. Capricorn male is always absolutely embedded in relations with the one he loves. Yes, perhaps subtitles it is not about him. But you will definitely feel his love and care for you. When love leaves his heart, he begins to invest in something else. Most often, to work. He will mostly and honestly explain to you as much as possible that today he could not miss the meeting, tomorrow - an important business trip, and in a week - the project. But in fact, it will only mean one thing - your relationship and love has come to an end.


Men of this sign do not like scandals. They are not prone to tragedies and theatrical productions in life. Moreover, they are not inclined to conversations for souls and clarifying relations in general. If you are fine, then you are fine. There will be no dual bottom here. But if you are all bad, then the problem is that the Aquarius will not do anything. He does not want a soul scene, tears, persuasion, talking about souls. He does not want to solve anything. He simply silently brings everything to such a state that nothing will be solved, unfold and leave. That's how and everything, what will your gap will be, if the aquarius will be puzzled.


Male fish is a romantic to the bone's brain. These are precisely fish to make you pleasant romantic surprises even by the tenth anniversary of the wedding. They will remember the day of your acquaintance and the petals will lay out a heart on your bed. It is they who make a proposal on the Eiffel Tower and touchingly carefully, even if you are already under 80. Yes, these men are incorrigible romance. If love lives in their heart. And the first sign that love left or is about to leave - this is the absence of romance. Even if a man says that it is not so that, perhaps, do not hurt you, but the fact will remain fated. Lawless Heart.

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