Jim Kerry on the show David Letterman


Jim tried to explain his unusual look: "I think it's a matter in a testosterone cream, which I use. All the beginning of growing. I put a little on his wrist in the morning and becoming a real man. I just touch you, you get pregnant. The entire audience of the show has already become pregnant, Because I am a real man! " And the tiny angelic wings symbolize the spiritual state of the actor: "I really feel that in my soul is now the world. I love all people, but if you hit me, I'll wipe your eyes and frighten it. Yes, I have not understood all this The topic with all-things, but I feel in myself harmony and the world. As if I'm already in heaven. "

The 51-year-old actor spoke about his grandson: "He is three years old. I am out of my impatience to bring it on hockey. I like to watch His thirst for sweets. I'm waiting until the end of the second period, and then I buy cookies, ice cream ... to This time he no longer sees the players on the field, she looks for him as the gingerbread men on the ice. "

From each of his public appearance, Jim makes a real show. He forced the audience wrinkling, sprinkling his nails on her legs, and showed several pictures to prove that he was a professional photobomber.

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