Olivia Wilde on Jay Leno Show


Olivia spoke about the nuances of filming in Las Vegas: "We were filmed during the day when the whole city is sleeping. And in the morning you can see how many people are afraid of their hotels. An amazing city! We shot the scene, where Steve Bushemi and Steve Karell hang over the street In a glass cube, and decided that we did not need to pay a massive - people and so gather to lay up on the stars. But they are just anyway. In this city they have already seen everything! "

The actress read a few evil comments that Justin Bieber's fans wrote to her after her jokes in the address of the singer: "Are I asked me, Lesbian I or already too old? This is interesting ... I never asked himself such a question. Offered to shove my shirt to me in mouth, and pointed out that I am the mother of Justin Bieber. Apparently, too old to be his mother ... "

Olivia told about his love for karaoke: "I adore karaoke. But not before the crowd of the audience. I have a separate room, where I sing alone or with a friend of hours. At least I will not damage anyone the evening with my singing.

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