Forest: 10 products that will greatly rise in price after the new year


It's no secret that on the eve of the New Year holidays, many shops wind the prices for products that are an integral attribute of the festive table. Therefore, start stocking champagne, caviar and canned food now.

But not only at the end of this year the prices will take off. Changes in legislation promise us rise in prices for a number of everyday products in the coming year. The case in the law on increasing excise taxes from January 1, 2020, as well as in the abolition of preferential tariffs for palm oil, which is known, is contained in a number of products.

Of course, perishable products will not work for a long time. But long-term storage products can be purchased.

Here is a list of products, the prices of which will be tangible:

1. Circles

Forest: 10 products that will greatly rise in price after the new year 28128_1

It is, first of all, about buckwheat, as well as about legumes. They can be stockfall. Experts predict a rapid growth rate for them. Cause Standard is a bad harvest of this year.

2. Milk and dairy products

These products can rise in price due to the introduction of electronic certification in Russia. We are talking about the labeling of products by the type of EGAIS for alcohol and some other goods. Of course, the milk will not be able to become milk. But the condensed milk is well stored, but butter, for example, can be stored in the freezer.

3. Sugar and sweets

Experts predict the inevitable rise in prices for this product, so sweet toes makes sense to stock up with their favorite sweets now. The rise in price of these products is precisely due to the introduction of VAT on palm oil.

4. Wine, Cognac, Vodka

According to forecasts, the minimum retail price for a bottle of vodka will be 230 rubles per bottle of 0.5 liters. For a similar bottle of skate, you will have to put at least 430 rubles. Excise taxes are increasing, both on imported wine and on produced in Russia. Sparkling wines will rise in price most.

5. Fish and caviar

The reason for the rise in price lies in reducing the catch in the Far East by 30%. The fall is very serious, and therefore the products of fisheries in all forecasts should rise in price quite significantly.

6. Juices and carbonated water

These drinks are going to introduce a new tax and, when this happens, the price of them can grow to 10%.

7. Cabbage and onions

In the past years, these cultures were very low prices, and therefore sowing areas were reduced, therefore, the number of products collected was declined. This is just and can cause prices.

8. Poultry meat

The case in the rise in price of feed and grain, which means such a favorite dish of Russians, like chicken meat, can increase in price.

A number of media warns about increasing prices for all types of meat and meat products, but experts assure that there is no reason to worry. The production of pork in the country increases, so, in 2019 it produced four percent more than in the past. But meat-containing products based on chicken meat can grow a little in price.

9. Eggs

The reason is the same as the poultry meat. Since the costs of the manufacturers of chicken meat and eggs will grow, respectively rise in price and eggs.

10. Bread and bakery products

Bread prices began to crawl up this year. The reason is the increase in flour prices, especially rye.

In general, the trend of price increases at the beginning of the year in our country the phenomenon is natural. There is an increase in prices in the housing and communal services, gasoline is becoming more expensive, and after all the rest. Experts promise us in 2020 the rise in prices for all food and not only on them. Tangible price increases for flights, cellular communications, drugs, cars, public transport, tobacco fares are expected.

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