Jessica Simpson on Shaw Jimmy Kimmel


"The second pregnancy passes completely differently. I am constantly muttered. I would never have thought that I could choose me from sausage inside me," Jessica told and could not keep laughter from the ambiguity of what was said. "Looks like I just admitted to the world, I'm waiting for the boy!" - exclaimed the actress, which introduced the leading lead, not fully understood the joke. However, not only this surprised Jimmy. The presenter asked how the press learned about the future name for the baby Jessica. "I think, someone from my friends has a language without bones. Maybe someone told parents, and those - sellers in the store ...," the future mother suggested.

The best girlfriend Jessica, Casey Cobb, is also pregnant. The singer lay high hopes on these children: "We would like our children to be better friends, like us. Therefore, we will force them to go to one school and there are sandwiches together. I hope it will work. Otherwise, our hearts will be broken." Also, the famous blonde was mentioned about his wedding plans: "I still dream of getting married, but I can't stop pregnant. So, maybe I should stop having sex while I am not married with Eric. I really wanted to stop pregnant ".

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