"What a terrible without cosmetics": Larisa Larisa Guzeeva showed a photo without makeup


Guzeyev shared the pictures on which she lies with appetite.

Eat and lose weight,

- Calls for a celebrity. She said that the procedures for transformation in a specialized clinic, where a nutritionist, together with a professional chef, select a menu according to the patient's preferences. The presenter noted that it is necessary to consult with the doctor before weight loss, otherwise harm to the body can be much larger than good.

For a long time was not so pleased and happy

- with delight said Guzeyev. It is noteworthy that Larisa was not afraid of criticism in his address and appeared before subscribers without makeup and styling.

Of course, not everyone appreciated the style of "Naturel" 60-year-old stars. "What a terrible without cosmetics", "is it difficult for you to give up?", "On the head of the Mill", - wrote Haters in the comments under the post. In addition, many asked the actress to return the dark color of the hair, noting that the blond did not go to her completely and noticeably.

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