Final "Silicon Valley": Zac Woods said goodbye to Jared after six seasons


The comedy series "Silicone Valley" approached the end. It is difficult to imagine that this television show took place without Jared Dunna, whom Zak Woods played. Jared was always a reliable employee who invariably sought to support both his chief of Richard Hendrix and many other colleagues. In terms of frequent and chaotic changes, Jared, thanks to its loyalty, was an integral part of the startup "Pegi Dudirl". After the release of the final episode of Silicon Valley, Woods admitted that six years in the image of Jared were not just work for him, but in many ways personal experience.


There is one book, which I love very much. This is a "teddy rabbit" Marjeri Williams. Let this children's book, but I think she is very deep. In this book, the toy rabbit asks another toy about what it means to be real. The horse he asks this question answers him that it can be real then when someone loves you for a very long time. Maybe it will sound strange, but it seems to me that with the characters of television serials the case is the same: the actor must love his hero in order to make it a real. Real for other actors, present for viewers. Love transfers the characters into reality, but then the time comes to say goodbye. It's not so simple

- said Woods in an interview with IndieWire.


Recall, the Silicone Valley was published on the HBO Channel C 2014, making up six seasons. The series tells about the group of programmers from San Francisco. After receiving the refuge in the house of an eccentric millionaire, six Aytichnikov dedicates themselves to develop their own breakthrough startups.

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