Inclusive and unlimited: the stars of the series "Space" told about the 4th season


Comic-Con in Sao Paulo was expected to be saturated at the events. Not left aside and caste of the series "Space", which, after cancellation on the Syfy TV channel, will be broadcast in the AMAZON PRIME Stregnation Service.

Inclusive and unlimited: the stars of the series

At the very beginning of the speech, Dominic Tipper noted, as everyone who is involved in creating the series is important to support fans, and thanked for the opportunity to further produce new episodes. Stephen Stretch added that the "Moving" on Amazon gave the show the opportunity to tell even more, since the restrictions disappeared that Syfy imposed. The actor also stated that the fourth season would be largely consonant with the fourth book of the series of works of the same name, and the show will become more dynamic, versatile and inclusive.

Later, the typper emphasized how invaluable she believes that the "space" unites people of different nations, demonstrating that they have a place even in those positions with which they are not always associated in real life. And simply invaribly watching these people try to find their way.

I hope you see everyone in these characters,

- she added.

Inclusive and unlimited: the stars of the series

The opinion of the actress shared and Cas Anwar, who marked that she had not previously seen in scientific fiction films of anyone who was like a type like him.

I am proud of the opportunity to be part of the show, where we show millions of people that everyone can be a fighter, no matter how he looks,

- summarized the actor.

New episodes of the series will show how the Rosinanth team will go with a research mission for ring gates, on Ilus, without even suspecting that the resource-rich planet has great dangers in itself.

The premiere of the fourth season "Space" will take place on Amazon Prime on December 13.

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