Hilaria Baldwin shared the details of the second miscarriage


During this year, the actor's wife Aleka Baldina survived two miscarriages. About the repeated misfortune of Hilaria was noticed by the spouse and subscribers with a publication, in which he had told about what happened and told about a serious psychological state.

I'm just empty. This, of course, did not expect when she went on an ultrasound. I do not know what else to say ... I'm still shocked,

- He wrote a week ago in microblog, a large mother and asked for paparazzi and journalists not to disturb her.

Now Hilaria continues to share the details of that sad hike on the ultrasound. The celebrity still has not recovered after the shock.

Before the examination, I was nervous all day. As if I felt what would happen. After the first miscarriage, the pregnancy took place on the nerves,

- Shared in Instagram Hilaria.

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Probably, after miscarriage in the spring, Hilaria began to be afraid of repeating this story than led themselves to stressful state.

I lay down on the table, the doctor turned on a sonogram ... and we realized that the child inside me lifeless. This is the most terrible feeling.

- told the celebrity.

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Now Alec and Hilaria raise four children. After the miscarriage, Hilaria explained to children that their sister "will not come."

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