Captain America - Grandpa Star Lord? James Gunn reacted to the fan theory


A pause, which was taken by the filmmovered Marvel before the premiere of "Black Widow", makes fans with even greater attention to review the films already released to find more and more Easter and coincidences. For example, recently the theory appeared on the network that Peter Quill from the "Guardians of the Galaxy" - no one else like the grandson of the captain of America. And the reasons to assume such a phint seemed pretty good.

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It all started with the fact that Marvel fans noticed the actress, who played the mother of the star Lord Meredith Quill, in the "First Avenue". The film takes place in the 40s, and the character of Laura Headdock is literally a few moments appears on the screen to cross with a show with Steve Rogers. Given his unprecedented embarrassment after that, it can be assumed that their relations were crossed on the eve of the edge of the usual acquaintance.

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Fans decided that this scene demonstrates the last meeting of Grandparents Peter Quille. It is because of the fact that his mother and grandmother, on theory, played the same actress, at the time of gooding Meredith with his own mother's "guards" of her own mother.

Well, by the dates everything converges. If Meredith was born in the 40s, in the 70s, when she met the ego, she was for 30 - it coincides with what was shown in the sequel of the "Guardians of the Galaxy". And the fact that only in St. Petersburg superslode in the performance of Kurt Russell found the quality that was so long ago, it would seem, once again confirms that the blood of the captain of America is involved in the case.

But, unfortunately, slender theory collapsed under the pressure of James Gunn's post, who published in his Twitter. Apologizing that "destroys such a funny theory," the director noted that, in fact, Meredith has a father who appears in both parts of the "Guardians of the Galaxy", and "Gregg Henry plays him."

Well, at least the explanation of Gunn looks not particularly convincing, because Meredith could well grow and a non-native father, it is necessary to come to terms - the director is still visible. By the way, the third part of the story about the awesome team of Starl Lord will be released on the screens in 2022. Perhaps, the fans will be able to find new confirmation of their theory.

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