Rumor: Keanu Rivz secretly got himself with Alexandra Grant


Keano does not like to publicly share the details of his personal life, so finding exact information is quite difficult. However, the insider shared with the publication of Globe with joyful news: Rivz and Grant secretly won. According to the source, this happened not so long ago, and Keanu was carefully preparing for this event.

Rumor: Keanu Rivz secretly got himself with Alexandra Grant 28327_1

He lit in the room a lot of candles, and also decided to please his beloved dinner from her beloved restaurant. At the highest moment on the background of the composition of Frank Sinatra, which Alexander and Kian loved. In this romantic atmosphere, the actor made a grant offer. The artist did not think that this would happen, but was very glad and said the cherished "yes." Insider claims that now the couple is engaged in the celebration planning.

Rivz was never married, so this is a responsible step for him. The tabloids suggest that his proposal is not a spontaneous decision, because the actor knows Alexander for many years. Grant supported the rivza in hard times, and it was she who became a man who inhaled the meaning in the difficult life of the actor. And although their first joint entry into the world took place quite recently, in love with these relationships were not one year.

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