Star "Dawson Bay" James Van der Bick and his wife lost the sixth child


Now James acts in the show "Dancing with the Stars", and Kimberly persuaded him not to give up this, despite the happening. Therefore, Van der Bic decided to publicly admit that on this day he was not up to dancing.

My wife and I went through the worst nightmare of parents who are waiting for the baby. We lost a child. Little soul, which we wanted to meet in our family, chose another way and went to another world,

- Shared actor.


According to James, such events break and at the same time open the heart of a person. Van der Beik did not plan to dance that evening, but everyone changed the words of Kimberly.

I did not finish watching you dance,

- she said. At the end of his speech, the actor confessed to his wife's love and added that he was dancing for her.


Also, James shared the tragic news in his Instagram.

We have already passed through this, but it never happened to such late terms, it never accompanied by such a terrible, terrifying threat to Kimberly and her well-being,

- he admitted. The actor wrote that his wife is now restored. He also thanked all those who were not indifferent for supporting support.

Recall, James and Kimberly are married for almost ten years. During this time, happy spouses became parents of five children. Just a month ago On the show "Dancing with the stars" Van der Beik reported that they and his wife should become the parents of the sixth kid.


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